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Minehead Group's September/October 2024 newsletter

Harp player and some of the audience
Harp concert in aid of Amnesty 14 September 2024 © S Mew

Our group has had a busy summer, as described in this September/October 2024 newsletter. Following the very successful AmnesTea in mid July, we had a busy stall at the Roadwater Fete at the end of that month. Visitors signed letters, picked up leaflets and had fun with our Amnesty-themed games. The latter attracted the attention of a lot of children, which was great.

At the beginning of August, we held our vigil on Minehead Quayside, when we remembered the people of Jammu and Kashmir and all the repressive actions being imposed by the Delhi Government. And on the 14 September, our harp concert with local harpist and novelist, Hazel Prior, was well supported. Everyone enjoyed the music and stayed to share tea and cake afterwards. The concert raised £310 for Amnesty.

As usual, the newsletter includes the regular items of diary dates, actions you can take this month and campaign updates. There is also an update from the West Somerset Refugee Support Group on the holidays provided for refugee families living in Taunton, Bridgwater and Wellington.

Minehead AI Group newsletter Sept/Oct 2024
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