Write for Rights 2014

This year we held two public events for the Write for Rights campaign. We held a very successfult letter writing afternoon on Tuesday 18 November at the Quaker Meeting House, in Minehead. We wrote letters and signed cards on behalf of cases included in this year's campaign. As a result of our efforts, we posted 35 letters and 12 cards, and some participants took away the campaign leaflet, promising to write more. Sixteen people took part and we were particularly pleased to welcome several people who had not been to an Amnesty International event before.
Our second event was held on Friday 12 December, when we had a card signing stall inside the Avenue Methodist Church in Minehead. We also started off with a stall outside, but unfortunately the heavy rain showers and hail drove us inside! The Mayor visited and signed cards, and overall we collected over 35 signatures on each of the cards and letters for six of the campaign cases. We also provided coffee and cakes, and there was warm and busy atmosphere inside the church, despite the awful weather outside.