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Amnesty International UK
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Oct 1 2019 10:33PM
Minehead Group's October 2019 newsletter

Our October newsletter includes an account of our successful fundraising harp concert in September and updates on our activities in relation to the I Welcome Refugees campaign. Cherry Bird, AIUK's volunteer country coordinator for...

Sep 23 2019 11:47PM
Harp Concert with Tea was a great success!

Our harp concert with tea on the afternoon of Sunday 22 September was a great success. Over 50 people packed in to Carhampton Village Hall to hear Hazel Prior play her harp and sing. She also talked about her harp and answered...

Jul 29 2019 8:49AM
Minehead Group's July/August 2019 newsletter

Our July/August 2019 newsletter includes reports of our recent activities - an exhibition in Minehead Library for Refugee Week, our AmnesTea and a letter writing afternoon. There are updates from our group's campaign coordinators on...

Jul 29 2019 8:36AM
Another productive letter writing session

Our latest letter writing session took place on the afternoon of Thursday 18 July at the Quaker Meeting House in Minehead. We wrote letters on cases featured in the latest Real Lives bulletin from Amnesty International UK. Thirteen...

Jun 24 2019 11:03PM
AmnesTea raised over £400

Our 2019 AmnesTea returned to Mayhill, Carhampton and took place on Thursday 20 June in the afternoon. About 50 people came and they enjoyed sitting in Susan's garden, drinking tea and eating cake. They were also able to browse the...

May 29 2019 11:00PM
Minehead Group's June newsletter

Our latest group newsletter includes a report of our recent Voices of India event on Saturday 18 May which went very well. Everyone enjoyed a lovely display of photos taken in India by Elizabeth Atkinson, Cherry Bird spoke very...

Apr 29 2019 10:52PM
Minehead Group's April/May newsletter

Our April/May newsletter includes a report on the 2019 AIUK AGM & conference that three of our Minehead members attended. There is also an account of our successful street stall on International Women's Day and our latest letter...

Mar 9 2019 7:44PM
Minehead marks International Women's Day

On Friday 8 March, International Women's Day, the Minehead Group held their usual letter signing stall on the town's main shopping street. We were very lucky to have a break in the previously wet and windy weather, and the stall and...

Feb 27 2019 11:03PM
Minehead Group's February/March newsletter

The February/March newsletter from the Minehead Group includes reports of our commemoration event for Holocaust Memorial Day on 24 January and also our annual quiz on 22 February. There are campaign updates on 'I Welcome Refugees' and...

Feb 27 2019 10:51PM
Another successful Amnesty Quiz

Our annual quiz took place on 22 February at the Minehead & District Social Club. As usual, it was superbly organised by the Humber family, with interesting questions delivered with clarity and just the right speed, a rapid no-nonsense...
