About this group

Welcome to the Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Amnesty group website.
We meet once a month in Newcastle; it's a friendly open group, and anybody with an interest in Human Rights is welcome. We have monthly meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Currently most of these take place in Commercial House on Pilgrim Street in Newcastle but this can change so mail us for more information or to get on to our emailing list.
If the meetings aren't convenient, let us know if you'd like to be on our email mailing list or if you'd like to be involved in one of our other events - more details below
For more information or to be added to our mailing list, please email us newcastleamnestyinternational@gmail.com
We also have facebook accounts for the group and the Bookshop and you can follow us on Twitter
(If you'd like to be involved just drop us an email).
October - The Aisha Duhulow Memorial Event: This year about the Human Rights Act - more details to follow
December - Write for Rights: Amnesty International’s annual greetings card writing campaign. This usually includes an all day joint action with Wearside Amnesty in Sunderland Minster.