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Dec 18 2019 12:40PM
Community event in Berwick

We had a successful event on December 7th at Berwick Guildhall. We held a coffee morning to celebrate human rights and invited several charities to share the event. These included Freedom from Torture, Friends of the Earth, Salvation...

Dec 2 2019 7:05AM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for November 2019

It has been another very busy month. We had an inquiry about Child Benefit. We had an inquiry about debt. We also had inquiries about a P60 end of work form, registering to vote in the forthcoming general election and an international...

Nov 2 2019 9:35AM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for October 2019

We had a client who needed help with acquiring a self-assessment form from the HMRC, so that he didn't have to complete it online. After a quick call to the Self-assessment helpline, this was arranged. We also had a client with debt...

Oct 11 2019 12:44PM
Remembering the Peterloo Protest in Newcastle

See the flyer.

Oct 2 2019 9:22AM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for September 2019

This has been another very busy month at the Kavarna drop-in after the summer break. We had a client with bad toothache, who had an inquiry about getting dental help. This involved giving advice about the level of service that should...

Sep 3 2019 7:29AM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for August 2019

Most of the work this month has been concentrated upon activities for children. We have had a lot of children's activities this summer.activities, dancing and Zumba. The sessions have been very popular with 22 on the first session, 14...

Aug 1 2019 11:47AM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for July 2019

This has been another very busy month at the Kavarna drop-in. There was a client who had an inquiry about tax credits. There were also inquiries about Universal Credit and Settled Status. There was an inquiry about Disability Allowance...

Jul 14 2019 5:39PM
Durham Miners' Gala

It was an excellent day. The stall was organised by Newcastle Group, so our thanks to them for giving us the opportunity. Wearside also turned out in force - 5 of us worked on the stall at different times.

Jul 1 2019 8:01AM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for June 2019

This has been a month of both change and continuity for the Roma Kavarna. We have moved to a new location at 273, Gateshead High Street, but we have continued to provide an important service to the Roma Community in Gateshead. Among...

Jun 1 2019 12:04PM
A Living Tradition CIC Gateshead Roma Kavárna Project Report for May 2019

We have made good progress in our work during the month of May. There was a claimant asking about a Housing Benefit enquiry, regarding which benefits entitle somebody to claim Housing Benefit There was a query regarding the HMRC. We...
