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Amnesty International UK
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Feb 22 2017 8:34AM
Sponsored Walk

Oxford City Amnesty International local group are pleased to announce our Sponsored Walk in aid of Amnesty International on Sunday 2 nd April 2017. The Sponsored Walk will start in Oxford City Centre and go along the picturesque Thames...

Feb 22 2017 8:22AM
Children's Rights

The next monthly group meeting is on Tuesday 21st March, 7:15pm at the Town Hall. The focus of this meeting will be on children's issues. We will also have the usual letter writing, campaign and event updates. Meeting are open to...

Jan 13 2017 5:31PM
Local Group Annual Membership 2017

As its the start of a new year, we are collecting annual Oxford City Amnesty Group subscription fees. The subscription fees remain at £5 (£2 if you are not working).

Jan 4 2017 5:37PM
FGM Action Evening

Oxford Against Cutting and Oxford City Amnesty present a evening of talks and campaigns to end FGM on Tuesday 21st February, 7:15pm at the Oxford Town Hall.

Jan 4 2017 5:33PM
Pub Quiz

The Oxford Brookes University LGBTI group and Oxford Amnesty present an evening pub quiz to raise funds.

Jan 3 2017 5:36PM
Amnesty Refresher and Write for Rights

Happy New Year everyone! Our first group meeting of the year is on 17th January 2017, 7:15pm at the Oxford Town Hall.

Nov 17 2016 8:30AM
Winter Social

Our annual Winter Social will be on the Tuesday 13th December, 7pm at the Jam Factory.

Nov 17 2016 8:20AM
Write for Rights on Human Rights Day

To mark Human Rights Day on Saturday 10th December 2016, we will have a stall on Cornmarket Street with cards and letters to sign for the Write for Rights campaign.

Nov 17 2016 8:13AM
Amnesty Stall at Green Fair

The Oxford City Amnesty Group will have its annual stall at the Green Fair on 3rd December at the Town Hall.

Oct 19 2016 8:36AM
Board Games for Humanity

Play games for free at our cafe to support Human Rights!
