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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 25 2013 5:35PM

An Oxford Amnesty Music night

Sep 4 2013 8:26AM
Sept Oxford City Amnesty Meeting

The next group meeting is Tuesday 17th September at 7.15pm at the Town Hall.

Aug 22 2013 8:00AM

An Oxford Amnesty Music night

Aug 5 2013 5:50PM
No meeting in August

There will be no Oxford City Amnesty meeting in August. The next group meeting is on 17th Sept 2013.

Jul 11 2013 8:15AM
Oxford City Amnesty Summer Social

Join us on Tuesday 16th July at 7.15pm on Port Meadow for our Summer Social.

Jul 9 2013 8:20AM
Oxford City Amnesty Stall at West Oxford Fun Day/Festival of Nature

Next Saturday, the 13th July, we have a stall at the West Oxford Fun Day/Festival of Nature at the West Oxford Community Centre.

Jun 26 2013 8:29AM
Oxford City Amnesty Stall at Cowley Carnival

On Sunday 7th July 2013 we will have an Amnesty stall at the Cowley Road Carnival.

Jun 24 2013 8:29AM
Oxford Pride Festival

Huge thanks to everyone who helped out on or came to visit the Oxford Amnesty stall at the Oxford Pride on 8th June.

Jun 20 2013 5:21PM
Jericho Street Fair

We had our 2nd ever stall at the Jericho street fair on 8th June. Though attempts to have our local MP present to show support for women's rights were thwarted by 'schedule clashes', we colle
