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Amnesty International UK
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Apr 1 2019 6:05PM
April Monthly Local Group Meeting

The next Oxford City local group meeting is on Tuesday 16th April from 7.15 - 9.00pm in Oxford Town Hall. The Amnesty UK AGM is taking place in Nottingham the week before, so we'll be hearing back from group members who attended. It's...

Feb 16 2019 12:47PM
Women's Rights in South Asia (India & Nepal)

The Oxford City local group meeting is 19th March at 7:15pm at the Town Hall. As International Women's Day falls in March, the focus of the March meeting will be on Women's Rights. We are pleased to have Cherry Bird, the country...

Jan 25 2019 8:28AM
Quiz Night

For LGBT History Month, we're teaming up with Oxford Brookes LGBTQ+ Staff Forum to host a quiz night on Thursday 21st February.

Jan 25 2019 8:23AM
LGBTI rights

The next monthly Oxford City Amnesty local group meeting is on Tuesday 19th February, 7:15pm at the Oxford Town Hall. We are delighted to welcome Dr Clara Barker to this meeting. Clara, alongside Kate Clayton-Hathway (our LGBTI...

Jan 14 2019 6:25PM
Local Group Annual Membership 2019

As its the start of a new year, we are collecting annual Oxford City Amnesty Group subscription fees. The subscription fees remain at £5 (£2 if you are not working). The fees go towards the group's cost for letter writing, organising...

Dec 19 2018 8:22AM
Human Rights in Denmark

The next monthly group meeting is on Tuesday 15th January, 7:15pm at the Town Hall. We are delighted to welcome Amnesty's country co-ordinator for Denmark to this meeting, which will focus on human rights in Denmark. We will also have...

Dec 5 2018 8:19AM
Winter Social

Rather than having a meeting in Oxford Town Hall in December, we have an informal social event. This is open to everyone - whether you're a member of the group or not. We will start the night with ice cream, coffee and bagels before...

Nov 5 2018 5:58PM
Write for Rights

Every November and December, Amnesty activists and supporters send greetings cards and messages of support and solidarity to people around the world who have suffered injustice. We will be offering a number of different opportunities...

Nov 5 2018 5:55PM
Amnesty Stall at Green Fair

The Oxford City Amnesty Group will have its annual stall at the Green Fair on 1st December. Come visit our stall to sign our petitions, letters and take part in our actions. We will also have Christmas cards, Amnesty calendars and...

Oct 18 2018 6:25PM
Children's Rights

The November Oxford City Amnesty International local group meeting will be on 20th November, 7:15pm at the Oxford Town Hall. This month's group meeting will focus on children's rights and we are pleased to have a speaker Lisa Incledon...
