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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 8 2021 9:05AM
Modern Slavery in the UK

The next online group meeting is on Tuesday 21st September, at 7:15pm. Simon John, Secretary of the Rotary Action Group against Slavery and Secretary of the Amnesty International Thetford Group, will be joining us to talk about modern...

Aug 24 2021 8:45AM
Harvesting the organs for transplant, from religious prisoners, including Uyghur Muslims

Thousands persecuted and killed for their religious and spiritual beliefs. The world’s least known crime against humanity. The use of prisoners in camps and secret jails as a source of organs for transplants. It is ‘beyond reasonable...

Jul 5 2021 8:40AM
Summer Social

Join us for an informal summer social (Face-to-Face this time - outdoors and socially-distanced!). All welcome, at The Isis Farmhouse pub on Tuesday 20th July. Drop us an email ( if you'd like to meet nearby...

Jun 10 2021 6:15PM
Gender based violence and lack of justice in South Africa

The next Oxford City monthly local group online meeting is on Tuesday 15th June, at 7:15pm. We are pleased to have Matlida Phiri, Amnesty's coordinator for South Africa, talk to us about Amnesty's new campaign on gender based violence...

May 17 2021 8:43AM
May Local Group Online Meeting

Our next online group meeting is on Tuesday 18th May, 7.15pm. The main focus of the meeting will be a review of the Central England Festival of Social Justice so far. Anyone will be welcome to talk about festival events that they have...

Apr 3 2021 1:16PM
Festival of Social Justice

Oxford City Amnesty International group is to take part in an online Festival of Social Justice featuring talks, music, debates and celebrations which will be streamed into people’s homes. The Festival of Social Justice between April...

Apr 1 2021 8:30AM
Abolish the Death Penalty

The next monthly online Oxford Amnesty Group meeting is on Tuesday 20th April at 7:15pm. At the meeting we will look at Amnesty's campaign to abolish the death penalty and ask "Why do we kill people who kill people to show killing...

Feb 27 2021 9:12PM
Saudi Arabia and Women's Rights

The next monthly online Oxford Amnesty Group meeting is on Tuesday 16th March at 7:15pm. We are pleased to have Paul Dawson and Shirene Mendas, Country Coordinators from the AIUK Middle East & Gulf team, give a talk on the human rights...

Feb 12 2021 8:50AM
Quiz Night

For LGBT History Month, we're teaming up with Oxford Brookes LGBTQ+ Staff Forum to host a quiz night on Thursday 25th February.

Feb 2 2021 6:34PM
Human Rights in the USA

The next Oxford Amnesty local group online meeting is on Tuesday 16th February at 7:15pm. The Amnesty International UK coordinator for North America will talk about the hoped- for improvements in Human Rights in the USA and globally...
