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Rather than having a meeting in Oxford Town Hall in December, we have an informal social event. This is open to everyone - whether you're a member of the group or not. We will start the night with ice cream, coffee and bagels before...
Every November and December, Amnesty activists and supporters send greetings cards and messages of support and solidarity to people around the world who have suffered injustice. We will be offering a number of different opportunities...
The Oxford City Amnesty Group will have its annual stall at the Green Fair on 1st December. Come visit our stall to sign our petitions, letters and take part in our actions. We will also have Christmas cards, Amnesty calendars and...
The November Oxford City Amnesty International local group meeting will be on 20th November, 7:15pm at the Oxford Town Hall. This month's group meeting will focus on children's rights and we are pleased to have a speaker Lisa Incledon...
This annual fair on Saturday 3rd November features stalls from a range of charities, artists and community organisations. Come visit our stall to sign our letters, petitions and take part in actions. We will also have Christmas cards...
The October Oxford City Amnesty International group meeting will be on 16th October, 7:15pm at the Oxford Town Hall. We will have our usual letter writing, campaign and event updates. There's a lot of human rights issues in the news at...
Join us at the Isis Farmhouse for an acoustic evening to raise funds for Amnesty International UK on Saturday 6th October.
The next monthly meeting of the Oxford City Amnesty International Group is on Tuesday 18th September at 7:15pm in the Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate's, OX1 1BX. We will have our usual letter writing, campaign and event updates. We will be...
For this year's Oxford City Amnesty Group Summer Social we will be returning to the Star on Tuesday 17th July, 7pm for a BBQ . This will give us a chance to discuss campaigns and sign letters in a more informal environment. Everyone is...
We will have an amnesty stall at the West Oxford Fun Day on Saturday 14th July. Come visit our stall to sign our letters, petitions and take part in our actions. If you would like to volunteer at the stall please email comms@oxford...