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Supporting the Totnes Amnesty Group!

Totnes are holding an event soon that is really well worth supporting.


We are delighted to inform you that Totnes Town Council will raise the rainbow flag over Totnes Civic Hall for the week of this year’s Totnes Pride, as a sign of solidarity and support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual &/or trans+ (LGBT+) community of Totnes and beyond. 

Totnes Mayor, Councillor Jacqi Hodgson, who will open the event said: “Raising the flag to celebrate diversity highlights the diversity in our community in Totnes.  As Mayor I am really proud of the wide mix of people in this wonderful town and delighted that we have come together to celebrate the LGBT community and the Proud2Be group who work hard to raise awareness of LGBT issues.”

We would like to invite you to the flag raising ceremony, which will take place on Monday 31st August 2015 at 6.30pm outside Totnes Civic Hall.
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