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Amnesty International UK
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Feb 5 2013 11:19AM
Our February Meeting

We meet, as usual, in the Quaker House on Mutley Plain, - Wednesday February 6th at 7.00 pm. As usual, all are welcome!

Feb 5 2013 11:17AM
Campaigning decisions

We held a meeting on Wednesday January 16th.

Jan 8 2013 7:32AM
Our first meeting of the New Year

As 2013 comes in, we carry on our work; and our first meeting is on Wednesday 9th January at 7.00 pm in the Quaker House on Mutley Plain, Plymouth. All welcome, as always.

Dec 22 2012 9:06AM
Plymouth Street Collection - result

Thank you people of Plymouth. You gave £76.30 today to protect human rights around the world.

Dec 13 2012 12:43PM
Plymouth Street Collection - December 15th

Saturday Dec 13th from 10.00am to 1.00pm; come and meet us by the Sundial!

Dec 13 2012 12:05PM
Write for Rights - December 13th

We wrote messages of hope and solidarity to prisoners of conscience across the world; we managed 44 cards in all including people in Azerbaijan, Syria, China, USA, Honduras, South Africa, Zimbabwe

Dec 3 2012 11:29AM
Our December meeting

Just a reminder for one and all that our December meeting is Wednesday 5th, 7.00 pm at the Quaker Meeting House on Mutley Plain, Plymouth.

Nov 24 2012 12:13PM
Devon Folk for Amnesty

On a grim rainy night, we held our first Folk Concert and have raised over £200 so far with further monies to come. The photo above is Roger Smith - Amnesty supporter and fine musician.

Nov 15 2012 7:44AM
Our first ever fund-raising event.

During the summer of 2012, we held our first street collection in Plymouth City Centre. We raised £72.08.

Oct 31 2012 11:05AM
Our Next Meeting

The next meeting of our Group is on Wednesday November 7th at 7.00 pm in the Quaker Meeting House ( next door to the Swarthmore Centre ) on Mutley Plain, Plymouth.
