April Monthly Meeting and other Forthcoming Events
Our next monthly meeting will be on Thursday 14th April. As usual, we will meet from 8pm - 9.30pm at St Mary's Church Hall, Church Street, TW1 3NJ.
We are fortunate that our guest speaker will be Sanja Djeric Kane, Director of Refugee Action, Kingston, who will talk to us about the work of her organisation.
At our May 12th meeting, we shall take great pleasure in welcoming Martin Barber, who has been working as an advisor to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in relation the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit, which is to be held in Istanbul in May this year.
Martin will speak about plans and expectations for the Summit and he suggests that we may find it helpful to take a look at the Word Humanitarian Summit website beforehand: worldhumanitariansummit.org
We are delighted that, on June 9th, our speaker will be Eileen Chubb, a former care assistant who became a whistleblower and then a campaigner, subsequently founding the charity, Compassion in Care.
Eileen will talk to us about her appalling experience as a whistleblower at a care home in Bromley, giving us insight into the mechanism of whistleblowing as well as the often contradictory responses which whistleblowers receive from those around them.
In July we shall welcome once again Kate Cargin, who has visited Palestine and Israel several times as part of the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme. Kate will speak about her recent visits to the area and the current, ongoing conflicts there.
We hope that many of you will join us at these meetings to welcome our speakers and learn from them through listening and discussion.