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August Update

As usual, there will be no August meeting of Richmond & Twickenham Amnesty Group

Our next meeting will be on Thursday September 14th when our speaker will be Zainab  Ali El Faki from Safe Passage UK.

Meanwhile, we had an excellent response at our Amnesty stall at St Margaret's Fair this July, where we promoted Amnesty's campaign for Shawkan, the Egyptian journalist, currently imprisoned and at risk of the death penalty.

Thanks to all those who donated items to sell, especially  to Catherine Dolan who generously gave several of her lovely hand-made candles, as well as other handicrafts. Although fundraising was not our primary intention, we made a surprising total of £131.

Thanks also to all those who came to help at the stall, making the day a great success, and to Chiara Mattavelli for taking the  photo attached below.

At our July meeting we were fortunate to have a fascinating presentation from Martin Barber,  who returned to share with us some of his experiences and thoughts about the first World Humanitarian Summit which he attended in 2016.

The meeting was well-attended and provided a thought-provoking end to the our Amnesty year.

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