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Carol Singing at Richmond Station

On Friday 11th December, from 5.15pm - 7.30pm, R&T Amnesty members will be singing carols at Richmond train station in order to raise money for Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust. We need plenty of good singers, but also some people to hold collecting tins. So, if you can spare some time that evening, please come and join us, even if not for the whole two hours.

We shall be led by R&T member, Gabby West, who will bring along her baby keyboard to keep us in tune and carol/song sheets so that we all know the words.
If you can, please wear something red - a hat, scarf, gloves or coat. We shall also have a few Amnesty vests available for some of us to wear to help advertise our presence.
We shall probably be singing for part of the time upstairs in the booking hall but also for some of the time downstairs near the automatic ticket barriers, so please look for us in either place.
So that we can prepare for this event, we are also having a carol practice the previous evening, Thursday December 10th,  from 7pm - 8.00pm in St Mary's Church Hall, Church Street, Twickenham, TW1 3NJ.  If you are planning to take part in the carol singing on Friday, please do come to the carol practice if you can. It will be followed at 8.00pm by our December meeting when we will be writing Christmas cards to prisoners of conscience and also enjoying a glass of wine and mince pies. 
We do hope many of you will be able to join us on Thursday and Friday and maybe bring along friends or new members. All are welcome.
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