July 2017 Monthly Meeting
Many of our members will recall that, at our May meeting last year, Martin Barber OBE, came to speak to us about the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit worldhumanitariansummit.org which was to be held in Istanbul on 23 and 24 May 2016.
Martin was working as an adviser to the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs and was able to share with us some expectations for the Summit.
At our next meeting on Thursday July 13, Martin will return to tell us more about the Summit and its outcomes.
As usual, we will meet from 8pm - 9.30pm at The Twickenham Club, 7, Church Street, Twickenham. TW1 3NJ.
We hope that many members and visitors will join us for this last meeting before our Summer break in August, when there will be no meeting.
If you plan to visit St Margaret's Fair https://www.stmargaretsfair.org/the-fair-2017/ next Saturday 8th July, please look out for our Amnesty Stall, where we will be asking members of the public to sign cards in support of Shawkan https://www.amnesty.org/en/get-involved/take-action/journalism-is-not-a-crime-free-shawkan/.