Monthly Meeting Thursday September 12th 2019
At our first meeting since the August break, we will be watching the film Crafting Resistance, directed by Carmen Luz Parot and ex-political prisoner, Gloria Miqueles and produced by Jasmine Gideon. We also expect to have a speaker who will tell us more about the making of the film.
This film challenges the idea of political prisoners as 'passive victims,' recognising the degree of agency many prisoners retain despite the horrific circumstances they endure. During the military dictatorship of General Pinochet in Chile (1973-1990) hundreds of political prisoners were held in concentration camps throughout the country. In a number of these camps, prisoners organised themselves and crafted items from the very limited materials and improvised tools available to them, actions which were important in sustaining the mental health and well being of those incarcerated.
It also gives an insight into how people live with the aftermath of torture and incarceration.
As usual, we will be meeting at the Twickenham Club, 7, Church Street, Twickenham, TW1 3NJ from 8pm - 9.30pm.
All are welcome. We hope to see you there on 12th September!