February Monthly Meeting
Our next monthly meeting will be on Thursday 13th February. As usual we'll meet between 8pm and 9.30pm at the Twickenham Club, 7 Church Street, TW1 3NJ.
We'll continue with discussion and planning begun during our January meeting, focussing on the following topics:
An action in support of Alaa Abd el Fattah https://www.amnesty.org.uk/urgent-actions/life-jailed-and-beaten-activist-risk
Olive Branch Art exhibition. https://olivebranch-arts.com/ We need to reach a decision about whether to approach the Landmark as a venue.
Refugee Week Amnesty Local Groups email for January is packed full of ideas with an invitation to apply for a grant by 17 Feb. If we want to participate, we need to come up with ideas at this meeting. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/GPP25?utm_content=157768&utm_campaign=MCFR1423S-2501-1e-sec-LG%20Planning%20pack%202025&utm_medium=email&utm_source=
Death Penalty USA Ursula offered to look into the 'Adopt a State' scheme so that we can select a state and write to its Governor. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/GPP25/campaigning/ADPP#:~:text=Adopt%20a%20US%20state&text=The%20USA%20is%20an%20executing,to%20abolishing%20the%20death%20penalty.
We hope that you will join us and look forward to seeing you there.
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