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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 4 2019 4:36PM
Monthly Meeting Thursday September 12th 2019

At our first meeting since the August break, we will be watching the film Crafting Resistance, directed by Carmen Luz Parot and ex-political prisoner, Gloria Miqueles and produced by Jasmine Gideon. We also expect to have a speaker who...

Jun 26 2019 6:40PM
July 2019 Monthly Meeting

At our last meeting before the August break, we are fortunate to have two speakers - Mary Holmes and Diana Mills, who will share their experiences of visiting Palestine. R&T member, Mary Holmes will tell us about her first visit...

Jun 5 2019 9:17AM
June 2019 Monthly Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Thursday June 13 when our speaker will be Ellis Brooks, Amnesty's Country Coordinator for Syria, whose talk will be entitled: 'Where next for Syria?' Amnesty has been in "crisis response" on Syria since 2011...

Jun 5 2019 9:13AM
May 2019 Monthly Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 9 at the Twickenham Club, 7, Church Street, Twickenham, TW1 3NJ. As usual, we will meet from 8pm until 9.30pm. Our speaker this month will be Amnesty's Country Coordinator for Egypt, Hugh...

Jun 5 2019 9:06AM
April 2019 Monthly Meeting

At our April meeting, Salma Karmi-Ayyoub will be talking to us about Israel's Nation State Law, how it discriminates against Palestinians and what it tells us about the apartheid inherent in the Israeli state. As usual we will meet at...

Jun 5 2019 8:56AM
March 2019 Monthly Meeting

As we have now had four talks on the Middle East, this will be a meeting at which to reflect on what we have learnt and to take action. Likely activities will be letter writing and signing but any more creative ideas will be very...

Feb 10 2019 9:21PM
February 2019 Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 14th February when we'll be delighted to welcome back Oscar Jenz, Amnesty's Country Coordintor for the UAE & Iran, who came to our January meeting to talk about the UAE. This month he will update us...

Feb 10 2019 9:18PM
January Meeting 2019

Our meeting this month will be on Thursday January 10th from 8pm - 9.30pm at The Twickenham Club, 7, Church St, Twickenham TW1 3NJ. Our speaker will be Oscar Jenz, Amnesty's Country Coordinator for the UAE and Iran. We are fortunate...

Dec 20 2018 4:44PM
December Meeting 2018

As this year has seen the 70th Anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we decided to mark the event before our monthly meeting on 13th December, by holding a short meeting at our Human Rights...

Oct 29 2018 4:07PM
November 2018 Monthly Meeting

Our meeting next month will be on Thursday November 8th. As usual we will meet at The Twickenham Club, 7 Church St, Twickenham TW1 3NJ from 8pm - 9.30pm. Our speaker will be Paul Dawson, Amnesty's Country Coordinator for the Middle...
