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US execution - letter writing action

William Montgomery was charged with the murder of Cynthia Tincher (found dead on 8 March 1986) and Debra Ogle (found dead on 12 March 1986). His co-defendant Glover Heard avoided the death penalty by pleading guilty to complicity to murder and testifying against William Montgomery.

The defence presented no witnesses but only cross-examined state witnesses. The state’s theory was that he killed Debra Ogle on 8 March while robbing her and then killed Cynthia Tincher to prevent her identifying him. He was convicted of aggravated murder of Debra Ogle and the murder of Cynthia Tincher and was sentenced to death.

Six years later a police report came to light that Debra Ogle had been seen alive by several of her friends on 12 March 1986, 4 days after the state assert that William Montgomery killed her.

A District Court Judge ordered a re-trial and a 3-judge panel of the Court of Appeals upheld this. However, the full Court of Appeals overturned this.

William Montgomery’s execution has been set for 11 April.


Please write to the governor of Ohio urging him to grant clemency.

A template letter is attached.

US Letter March 2018.docx
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