January Group News

Write for Rights card campaign
Our various sessions in town were extremely successful considering the circumstances. Many thanks to those who helped facilitate these in the County High School Sixth Form, St Mary’s Parish Church, Friends’ Meeting House and the Town Library.
Thanks also to our Group Chair Paul for hosting an enjoyable gathering at his home at which a further 20 letters and 22 cards were written.
Having sent out about 450 cards in total in December, my card-stocks are depleted, as you can imagine. So please drop your used cards through my letter-box when you’re passing by 9 South Road. Thank you to those who’ve already done this. I’m mainly looking for fairly bland images – nature, flowers, winter scenes are best – so regular greetings cards (ie birthday etc) are great, almost better than Christmassy ones. (There are few cases for which religious images are appropriate, so I already have an adequate stock of these.) Pass cards on to me at any time in the year and I’ll add them to the collection.