July - Group AGM and Garden Party

On 17th July, Saffron Walden Amnesty Group held their annual summer social event, The Wine and Cheese Garden Party.
As you can see from the photograph, this is always a nicely informal and enjoyable gathering offering the chance to chat to others from the group in the tranquil setting of Paul’s lovely garden.
The Garden Party made a profit of £335.10 through the entry charge, raffle, and very generous donations from attendees and some members who were unable to join us but sent contributions.
Please note:
Groups like ours are struggling to survive in these changed times (hard to believe it, but the Cambridge Amnesty Group has recently folded) so we need to keep up our network of contacts and support for activism in the field of human rights in the UK as well as around the world. If you would like to talk to us about the group and our activities, please contact Paul (paulgadd1@hotmail.co.uk) or Pam (pam.gadsby@ntlworld.com); we’d love to hear from you.