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Summer 2024 Letter writing and events

The next meeting for Amnesty letter-writing is on Tuesday 18th June, 8 – 10pm at 3 London Road, Saffron Walden.

As usual, copies of the case-sheets will be available along with pens, paper, envelopes - and a glass of wine or juice. Do join the regular group of letter-writers if you haven’t attended before. It’s a good way of getting into – or back to – writing letters on Urgent Action cases; the more experienced writers are always happy to give guidance if required. Diana Cook kindly takes on the job of putting all the letters into envelopes and posting them out. We are most grateful to her for this and to Paul for hosting these monthly meetings.

If you can’t join the session, you can access the case-sheets via the attached docs or via the link from the country in the list below; this takes you to the case on the Amnesty website.


Our summer group social event is on Sunday 28th July, 5 – 7pm at 3 London Road – the Wine and Cheese Garden Party.

It’s always a lovely opportunity to meet and chat with other local Amnesty supporters. Also a great chance to wander around Paul’s beautiful gardens while enjoying a glass of wine and a nice plate of food.

Do put the date in your diary now and come and join us if you can.


More dates for your diary

Tuesday 16th  July - Letter-writing evening - 3 London Rd, S/W, 8 – 10pm

Sunday 28th  July - Wine and Cheese Garden Party - 3 London Rd, S/W, 5 – 7pm

No meeting in August

Tuesday 17th September - Letter-writing evening - 3 London Rd, S/W, 8 – 10pm

Tuesday 15th October - Letter-writing evening - 3 London Rd, S/W, 8 – 10pm

Saturday 19th  October - Street Collection - Saffron Walden town centre, all day

Tuesday 19th November - Letter-writing evening - 3 London Rd, S/W, 8 – 10pm

Tuesday 17th December - Letter-writing evening & Group Winter Social - 3 London Rd, S/W, 8 – 10pm

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