Welcome to a new year of campaigning

One of the tasks of the Group’s Chair is to write a few words of welcome. It is always a pleasure to do so.
It is a moment to recollect what we have done together, and what we plan for the year ahead; a moment to face new and old challenges: a moment to light a candle of hope in a world that has become darker, more menacing and unfriendly to others. If you, like me, often do not feel terribly optimistic about the future, then remember the many people who endeavour to make this a better world and who we have met in our Group meetings: the country coordinators who have to come to visit us to talk about human rights in every corner of the earth, many volunteers at local level who befriend and support refugees, the kind of people who comfort those who have suffered from torture.
We play a small, but significant role in this, by raising awareness about human rights in our local community. In the report from our AGM you will see how many events we have organised in the last year, some of them in conjunction with the Romsey Group. The programme for the New Year, produced by Mary Brown with her usual professionalism, is also brimming with activities. I hope that they will inspire the readers of these few lines to come to the Group’s meetings and take an active role in organising events; we certainly could do with new members to help us light more candles and fight the darkness. I very much look forward to seeing you at our first meeting on September 9th.
Giampaolo D’Alessandro
Southampton-City Group Chair
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