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Stockport Amnesty Group announces its fiftieth anniversary celebration!

This April sees the 50th Anniversary of the formation of Stockport Amnesty Group.

We're inviting as many current and old friends as possible to join us “virtually” for a 50th Anniversary celebration on Saturday 24th April 2021 at 8PM.

Obviously, we've been unable to meet in person over the last year, so we've put together a video of memories of some of the key cases and campaigns we have worked on over the past 50 years. On the 24th we will premiere the video, which lasts about 45 minutes, and then take the opportunity to chat and catch up with old friends in smaller groups.

It's a free event, but attendees should book their places. We've sent the booking link out via our email list, but if you haven't got the email, please feel free to request the link by emailing 

Also! Please send us an email to the same place if you're in contact with other old friends who we may have lost touch with.

We do hope you can join us for the celebration!

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