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Human trafficking in the West Midlands

You are invited to join members of Stratford-upon-Avon Methodist Church to hear about the serious problem of human trafficking in our own area. Deacon Kerry Scarlett (formerly Smith) will lead morning worship at Stratford Methodist Church on Sunday 12 January at 10.30am. Stratford Amnesty members will remember her powerful talk at one of our meetings last year and for anyone who missed it, this is a chance to hear about the extent of trafficking and the profound impact it has on individual lives for the first time.

Kerry works for the The Adavu Project in Birmingham which aims to facilitate a local response to human trafficking in and around the West Midlands. Human trafficking is the movement of a person from one place to another in conditions of exploitation, using deception, coercion, the abuse of power or the abuse of someone's vulnerability. It is entirely possible to have been a victim of trafficking even if your consent has beeen given to being moved.

The Church is on the junction of College Lane with Old Town, opposite Holy Trinity Church and free parking is available for two hours in College Lane. While restoration work is going on entrance to the church building will be from the new side entrance at the back.




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