October Diary
Thursday October 6th 10.00 - 12.noon, drop-in letter writing for Individuals at Risk. Join us at the Falcon Hotel, Chapel Lane, Stratford on Avon for this informal letter writing session, you'll be made very welcome.
Wednesday October 12th 7.00 p.m. monthly meeeting at The Friends' Meeting House, 37, Maidenhead Road, Stratford on Avon. Our speaker this month is Rachel Logan of AIUK speaking about mass surveillance, this is an extremely interesting and important subject, so join us if you can.
October 22nd Amnesty Skillshare in London on the new Refugee Campaign, places are limited, if you would like to attend go to (applications close on October 3rd:: https://amnestyuk.wufoo.com/forms/m19nmovj0rvo9yl/ The day will focus on building the knowledge, skills and activism of the UK Amnesty movement, the aim of the day is for activists to have an enjoyable, engaging and informative day on the Global Refugee Campaign.
To support the Refugee Campaign and To take action, please write to your MP calling on them to support our campaign for child refugees in the UK to be able to be reunited with their families. You can find a template letter https://www.amnesty.org.uk/resources/letter-mp-i-welcome-campaign#.V-5-ZoWcE2w
Refugee campaign materials
Refugee Community Action Pack - REF16/001
Refugees Welcome Stickers - REF16/002
Refugees Welcome Placards - REF16/003
Refugees Welcome Pledge poster - REF16/004
All materials can be ordered from our mailing house by contacting them on 01788 545553 and quoting relevant product codes.