Nazanin is home!

Over the past six years of her detention in Iran, Stratford Amnesty group has been doing what we can to support the family of Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe and lobby for her release and along with many other people, we celebrated her release last week. We were delighted to receive this acknowledgement of our efforts from Richard Ratcliffe
Our family is so grateful for everyone's support over the last 6 years.
Every single signature of the 3.7 million that was put on the change.org petition made a difference. Not only did it give Nazanin a voice when she didn't have one, by helping us to get the media attention that eventually helped in her release, but it also gave us all hope! The love and hope provided us with the strength to carry on fighting for so long- it was the silver lining in a very dark cloud!
There are so many of you who helped in other ways too, from painting stones, knitting links for the chain, writing letters to our MP, to attending various events including the 'Looking For Mummy' play performed in Stratford. A special thanks has to go to the Stratford Amnesty group who have tirelessly campaigned for Nazanin, including various trips to London!
I don't think our family can ever repay the kindness that we have seen from random strangers who could just see how wrong the nightmare was. However, we just wanted to say to every single one of you who cared about our family, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You all helped this picture happen ....