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#FreeAlRoken Keys - Social Media Campaign

A number of Sutton Group members, along with other UK Amnesty groups, are participating in a #FreeAlRoken social media campaign in support of our adopted prisoner of conscience Dr Mohammed al-Roken. Dr al-Roken should have been released on 17 July 2022, but remains in prison 'for counselling’.

Amnesty International has recently documented and published how 24 Emiratis imprisoned for the exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and association have been held past completion of their sentences since 2017.

“UAE authorities must immediately release anyone detained beyond the completion of their prison sentence, and cease the unlawful practice of arbitrarily extending prison terms. This should come hand in hand with an immediate and unconditional release of all those who are detained solely for the peaceful exercise of their human rights.”

Our “keys” campaign involves sending keys, made from gold or silver card cut in the shape of a key and bearing the slogan #FreeAlRoken, to the UAE Embassy in London.  Members are also being photographed with these keys for social media use, as well as using them to deliver a short plea for his freedom on YouTube.

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