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Next meeting, 9 January 2023, 8.00 pm with Mona Seif (Virtual Meeting)

Our next meeting will take place on Monday 9 January 2023 at 8.00 pm via Zoom (virtual meeting). Please email our Group Secretary if you wish to join the meeting.

In our first meeting of 2023 we are delighted to welcome Mona Seif, sister of the Group's adopted Prisoner of Conscience Alaa Abdel Fattah. Mona has been the UK lead in the campaign for Alaa's freedom. She will speak about the development of the political situation in Egypt, the state of human rights in Egypt and treatment of political prisoners in general. More specifically Alaa's life and work, his treatment and current situation. We will also discuss how group members can help in the quest to secure Alaa's release. Alaa is a British citizen, writer and human rights defender.

Some further background:…

There will be updates on our group campaigns and we will speak about new urgent actions.

Please join us for our meeting. All are very welcome!

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