Festival Of Social Justice: Ibrahim Ezz El-Din, Egypt

Ibrahim Ezz El-Din, Housing rights activist. Imprisoned by Egyptian authorities since 2019 for campaigning for safe and affordable housing for all Egyptians. Held in appalling conditions he is now weak and frail and says he has been tortured.
Outraged by Human Rights abuses? No time to act?
We might have just the thing for you.
Wednesday April 21st, 7.30 join us for an hour via Zoom (sorry!) to learn more about the Human Rights situation in Egypt and to take part in an action on behalf of Ibrahim.
As a member of Amnesty, we know you feel strongly about this kind of thing – but it’s hard to find time to act. It would be great if you could join us in this act of solidarity with each other and Ibrahim:
‘Better to Light a Candle than to Curse the Darkness’
Please register at EventBrite link – would be great to see you there.