About this group

Welcome to the Thame Amnesty group website!
Listed here is information on meetings, group events and our campaigns, as well as contact details and information on joining the group.
We have over 100 email addresses receiving our newsletter and regularly get 8-10 people at our monthly meetings which are held on the 4th Wednesday in the month from 7.30 - 9.00pm in the Community room on the first floor of the Sports Hall at Lord Williams’s Lower School, off Queens Rd, Thame OX9 3NW
The group currently takes a special interest in human rights issues in SE Asia and China. Individuals within the group focus on the following campaigns:
- Death Penalty abolition
- Individuals at Risk
- Women's Campaign
Meeting activities include letter writing for AI, human rights campaigns and prisoners of conscience, talks from visiting speakers (sometimes at public meetings), and discussions of human rights issues.
In addition we have an annual street collection, a stall at the Christmas Charities Fair in the Town Hall and at the Thame Carnival. These events are not only for fund-raising for Amnesty, but also for the important work of organising petitions for prisoners of conscience throughout the world and raising the public awareness of human rights issues.
There is also an annual poetry and music evening at the Players Theatre which is one of our biggest fund-raisers.
We welcome new members and any personal contributions and ideas they are able to bring to the group. Your skills (anything from jam making to organising public meetings) and commitment are needed to forward the work of Amnesty in Thame.
Please contact one of us to find out more or post on our Facebook or Yahoo group pages.