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July 2018. Minutes

Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 11 July 2018

  1. Present: Margaret George, Chris Clarke, Wailim Wong, Georgie Wong.
  2. News:Chris gave us the good news that he is getting married. He was offered hearty congratulations. Unfortunately, it means he is moving from the district so will be unable to attend meetings.
  3. Apologies: Shirley Sweeney, Linnea Glynne-Rule, Chris Ramsey, Meike Koops, Hetty Tye, Karen Cooper.
  4. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2018: 1. Georgie had attended a Refugee Week showing at the Poly in Falmouth. 2. The bookstall will be held on 4th August at High Cross. Margaret had seen a sign in the Pannier Market saying that one can rent a stall for £15, which is something to bear in mind for the future.
  5. Secretary’s report: the monthly email included the idea of a Quiz night in February. It was agreed that we should register our interest in this.
  6. Treasurer’s report: Karen sent a report that we have £1221.63. Margaret suggested we should consider sending some money to HQ in the Autumn.
  7. Campaigns:

North Africa – no report

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: No report

Former Soviet Union – Margaret had received another response from Kazakhstan about one of the cases we wrote about. The letter has been sent on to Barrie Hay, the region coordinator.

Central America – Georgie reported. Mexico: The new president elected is a socialist who has promised to attack corruption and poverty. He has also pledged to carry out an independent investigation into the disappearance of the 43 students. Georgie had brought a letter to sign about 33 people missing in Mexico. Georgie spoke about the 2,300 children separated from their parents at the US border, many from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Nicaragua: there are continuing protests against the government. The trial of those accused over the death of Bertha Careras is due 10-18 September. There will be a separate action on this. Honduras: Georgie had a petition to sign about the brutal treatment of protestors. This is an ongoing petition which we can have at our stalls (bookstall and Pride).


  1. Forthcoming events
  1. Bookstall at High Cross, 4th August– Georgie began a rota, but we need more people on it. Books are being collected at Robin’s. Georgie would check if it is OK to sort the books on Friday 3rd August, from 10.00.
  2. 25th August is Cornwall Pride in Newquay. We have booked a stall. Materials have been ordered. Margaret has asked Farshid to contact national members in our area to see if they can help. Wailim will check about a banner.


  1. AOB Georgie will try to book a Falmouth street collection for 29th Sept, the Xmas stalls on 24th Nov and 1st Dec and the Mayor’s charity event on 8th Dec.


  1. NEXT MEETING: Wed 12 September at 7pm, Sambells café, Truro Methodist Church


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