July 2019. Minutes
Truro and District Amnesty International Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 12 July 2019
- Present: Margaret George, Karen Cooper, Georgie Wong, Wailim Wong, Melissa Ward.
- Apologies: Linnea Glynne-Rule, Hetty Tye, Chris Ramsey, Carole Liesse.
- Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2019: The public meeting on 12 June went well. It was held in the Parlour, which proved very suitable. About 34 people attended and the talk by Lucy Zawadzki about her experience of Ecumenical Accompaniment to the West Bank was very informative and moving.
- Secretary’s report: Margaret had circulated the monthly action. We had a letter via the website from a parent looking for volunteering opportunities for her son who is about to start DofE. Margaret would answer, suggesting he could help at the bookstall and Pride stall.
- Treasurer’s report: Karen reported that we have £851.60. It was agreed to order materials for Pride.
- Campaigns:
Central America: Georgie had circulated the newsletter and had brought letters to sign about the persecution and criminalisation of protesters in Nicaragua. She mentioned that in Mexico AI has started a campaign to publicise opposition to femicide. In El Salvador the new President who took office on 1 June has promised to respect Human Rights.
Karen raised the matter of Princess Haya, the wife of Sheikh Mohammed ruler of Dubai, who is currently in London and in a legal battle with her husband over their children. His daughter is Princess Latifa, whose case we have been following.
- Events:
Street Collection and Bookstall in Truro at High Cross 3rd August. We shall be setting up from 9am and hope to run till 3pm approx. It was agreed to sort the books at Robin’s on 1st August at 10.00am.
Pride Sat 24 August in Newquay. Margaret will contact the Penzance supporters who have offered to help. We will need tables, the gazebo and the feather flag.
- Next meeting will be on Wed 11 Sept at Sambells Café, Truro. NB no group meeting in August.