March 2018. Minutes
Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 7 March 2018
- Present: Margaret George, Georgie Wong, Karen Cooper, Meike Koops, Hetty Tye, Chris Ramsey.
- Apologies: Wailim Wong, Linnea Glynne-Rule.
- Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 Feb 2018: 4.i Georgie had been nominated to be on the ‘Suffragette spirit’ map due to be launched on 8th March – International Women’s Day.
4.iii re. the exhibition ‘Freedom to express yourself’ See under Forthcoming events, 8.2 below.
6. A collection was made in memory of Iris Warne and raised £55. It has been agreed to use this money to buy new tables for our stalls. Margaret had bought one costing £39.99 which she had brought to the meeting. It was agreed that it was very suitable and that a second one should be obtained. Any more donations will be welcome and contact should be made with Karen via the Truro Amnesty email -
- Secretary’s report: i. Spring 2018 Groups News had arrived and was distributed. ii. the March groups emailing included a call to contact MPs to support the Private Members Bill on refugee family reunification. Margaret had already written to Sarah Newton on this but had had no reply and so had Chris. It was agreed that they would both write again, as the reading is on 16th March. There was an action for Rodrigo Mundaca, a Chilean HR defender who is campaigning for access to water. There was a letter to sign to the Chilean Ambassador, and Margaret would be sending a card to Rodrigo from the group. There are also action cards available and we would be ordering 50 to use at the Regional Conference. Other items included the Amnesty International Annual report (available online).
- Treasurer’s report: Karen has now taken over as treasurer. She has been in contact with HSBC about changing the signatories for cheques and possible online banking. She was still not receiving the statements as they are going to Linnea. Margaret would phone the bank to get the address changed for statements.
A motion was proposed and agreed that Karen Cooper, in her capacity as Treasurer of the Truro and Falmouth Group should become a signatory for cheques. Furthermore, the bank statements should now be sent to her rather than to Linnea, the former Treasurer.
It was also agreed that we should remind supporters that the local sub is £7.50, as some people are still paying £5.
- AIUK AGM and Elections to the Board: Chris introduced the topic. National supporters have individual votes and we also have 10 votes as a group. It was agreed that Chris could vote for the group. There was discussion of the three people standing for the Board and some concern that 2 of them seemed to have joined AI very recently. Clearly, individual supporters may vote as they wish, but the group felt that as a group we should support only Hugh Sandeman. Chris went through the proposed motions and recommended opposing Special Resolutions 1 and 2 and Ordinary Resolutions B1 and B2.
- Campaigns:
North Africa – Hetty had brought letters to sign on behalf of Egyptian cases – 6 men due to be executed if their last appeal is rejected, and another letter on behalf of Azza Soliman, whose case we are working on. Hetty pointed out that in the latest Groups news Page 48 there is an article about an Egyptian activist and Human Rights lawyer Mahienour el-Massry who has been released. Hetty intends to try to find out more details about this case.
Central America – Georgie had circulated the Newsletter. She reported the (relatively) good news that homicide in Nicaragua is lower (6 per 100,0000) and people feel secure in their districts. She had brought a letter to sign on the anniversary of Berta Caceres’ murder.
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Chris spoke about the young Palestinian girl Ahed Tamimi on trial for allegedly slapping an Israeli soldier. Her trial is being held behind closed doors, which is against the Rights of the Child. The next hearing was due on 11 March. He had brought a letter to sign on behalf of Muntha Amira, a Palestinian HR defender arrested on a protest in Bethlehem.
Former Soviet Union – Margaret had forwarded to Barrie Hay 3 copies of letters from the Russian Federation which we had received. Barrie emailed to say that there is good news: they concerned Ali Feruz, and he was released and flew to Germany on 15th February.
- Forthcoming events –
- the Regional Conference is on Sat 17th March in Exeter. A group will be going up by car and will arrive early to help set up. Chris is intending to do a street ‘action’ on behalf of Azza Soliman as her birthday is on 9th April. Supporters will be asked to take a copy of the latest Groups News which has a good photo of her on the front cover and Margaret will get extra copies printed. Hetty will get a birthday card to send.
- The AI activist Ziya Kocabiyik will be coming through Truro on 4th May on his ride from Lands’ End to John O’Groats. We will be organising a welcoming event for him. It was agreed to try to combine this with using the ‘Freedom to express yourself’ exhibition. It was agreed to investigate venues where we could put on the exhibition. Meike would find out if the exhibition would be available for 4th May.
- Georgie has booked a street collection in Truro for Saturday 26th May. She will approach the city council about getting a date for a Mayor’s Coffee morning.
- 18-24 June is Refugee Week. We will make plans for this at a future meeting.
- Next meeting will be on Wed 11 April, 7pm at Sambells Café.