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May 2017. Minutes

Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 10 May 2017

  1. : Karen Cooper, Margaret George, Chris Ramsey, Georgie Wong, Chris Clarke, Hetty Tye.
  2. : Wailim Wong, Linnea Glynne-Rule, Shirley Sweeney.
  3. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 April: 4 iii Margaret had booked a stall at Pride event in Newquay and Linnea had paid the £50. Chris would contact Martin Lunnon to ask if the cost can be met centrally. 6. Re Shawkan exhibition. Chris R agreed to contact Tony and Sonia about the possibility of holding the exhibition at the Quaker meeting centre in St Austell.
  4. Election of new group Chair to replace Wailim: Chris R agreed to act as Chair for now with Chris C as deputy.
  5. Secretary’s report: the Local groups mailing included i) guidance materials for the General Election ii) the Great get-together and Refugee week in June iii) materials available for Pride events.
  6. Treasurer’s report: Linnea reported that we have £1114.61 in the bank. She has sent £300 to HQ as requested at the last meeting. We have paid for the stall at Pride and also the rent for the Methodist Church. Linnea sent her thanks to Shirley for her generous contribution towards this.
  • Hetty reported on North Africa and had letters to sign on behalf of Ahmed Douma who has been in solitary confinement for 1234 days in Egypt, and Dr Abdalla arrested on 22 April in Khartoum (Sudan) He is one of the founders and current Chair of the Central Committee of Sudanese doctors. Ann Marcus is retiring as campaign coordinator for Egypt and a replacement is being sought.
  • Georgie reported on Central America. She had put out in the cathedral postcards for the 43 disappeared Mexican students with stamps on (reimbursed by Quaker member Patrick). She will order more for our summer activities. In Mexico there is good news – a law on torture has been passed, which is generally thought to be good – and bad news – a 4th journalist has been shot dead. In El Salvador, Maria Theresa Rivera who was jailed for allegedly having an illegal abortion has been granted asylum in Sweden with her son. In Guatemala, a HR activist Rafael Maldonado has been threatened – there were letters to sign on his behalf.
  • Chris reported on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. He said that in cases we have been taking action on the trial is set for 27 June for the 2 HR defenders, and the circus performer had his hearing today (10 May). Two conscientious objectors (both called Tamar) have been at last granted exemption from doing military service. There are just over 6000 Palestinian prisoners, of whom 600 are children some as young as 12, and 536 are in administrative detention. There is an ongoing hunger strike against administrative detention. Hamas is reported to have a new leader.


  1. Future Events:
  • it was agreed to have the bookstall in Lemon St Market on 5 August. Margaret will contact Paul Duffy at Miller Commercial to confirm. Georgie will ask Robin if we can store books in his garage. We all need to collect books, as we have none left over from last year.
  • Georgie will ask for the Mayor’s coffee morning to be on 15 or 22 July.
  • We will hope to have a street collection in Truro on 23 or 30 September
  • Chris R will contact the cathedral about having the photo display on refugees in the cathedral during refugee week.
  • We need to look out for events for the Great Get-together 16-18 June
  • We are booked for the Pride event on 28 August in Newquay.


  1.  Date of next meeting Wed 14th June, 7pm at Sambells Café, Truro Methodist Church.
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