May 2019. Minutes
Truro and District Amnesty International Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 8 May 2019
- Present: Margaret George, Hetty Tye, Chris Ramsey, Carole Liesse, Melissa Ward.
- Apologies: Linnea Glynne-Rule, Karen Cooper, Wailim Wong, Georgie Wong, Meike Koops, Shirley Sweeney.
- Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2019: 3. Margaret had booked the table for Pride. The cost is £65 and it was agreed that she should let the organisers know that we find that expensive in view if the fact that we are not raising any money at the event. We had an offer from HQ for some funding for Pride events and will apply for some. 6. Hetty had approached Luzy Zawadzki from the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme and it is agreed that she will speak at our next meeting. Chris will check with the Methodist Church that we can hold a public meeting there. Margaret will organise the circulation of publicity.
- Secretary’s report: Margaret had circulated the monthly action. It was agreed that in future it would be a good idea to pick out actions people can take before circulating the report.
- Treasurer’s report: No report.
- Campaigns:
North Africa – Egypt: Hetty had brought a letter to sign on behalf of Malak al-Kashef, a transgender woman HR defender currently arbitrarily detained in solitary confinement in an all-male prison.
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Chris reported that the agreement of AirB&B to take down listings in the Occupied Territories has now been disregarded and they are again listed. He talked about the case of Musapha al-Karouf who has lived in East Jerusalem since a child and needs 10 years’ residence to apply for status, now he is an adult he is deemed illegal and has been imprisoned and there are attempts to deport him. There was a letter to sign for him. Chris also reported on teens shot while handcuffed, and a Palestinian woman fighter for social justice who was arrested by the Palestinian authorities, tortured and forced to confess. There was a letter to sign for her.
Central America: Georgie had circulated the newsletter and had sent letters to sign.
FSU: no report
Myanmar: there was good news about the release of 2 journalists.
- Events:
The Regional Conference in Exeter on Sat 11 May.
Next Group meeting on 12 June See above in Matters arising. We will have a public meeting, subject to agreement by the Methodist Church. Luzy Zawadzski to speak. We will add on to the publicity poster that it is organised by ourselves. The meeting to start at 7.30pm but we need to be there at 7.00 to prepare. Margaret will circulate publicity.
AIUK AGM and Conference 13-14 April. Chris reported on the AGM and Conference. The event went well.
Street Collection 25 May in Truro. It was agreed by those present that we simply do not have enough people available on this date, and we should try to move to combine the collection with the bookstall on 3rd August.
Pride Sat 24 August in Newquay. Margaret has booked. The cost of a stall is £65, which we agreed was expensive for a group not raising any money at the event. Margaret to point this out when sending the cheque. We have heard that we can access some funding from AIUK rainbow Network, and will apply.
- Next meeting will be on Wed 12 June – public meeting see above, hopefully at Sambells Café, Truro.