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Minutes. April Meeting

Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group

Minutes  of the Meeting held on Wednesday 8th April 2015


Apologies :  Megan Bridgeland, Karen Cooper, Margaret George, Lucky Kaur.


Present:   Chris Clarke, Linnea Glynne-Rule,  Chris Ramsey,  Shirley Sweeney,

                  Hetty Tye,  Georgie Wong, Wailim Wong


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Matters Arising:  July 4th  to be the day of the Mayor’s coffee morning for the group. We would need plants, books, cakes and bricabrac.


There was a mistake at 2b. George Eustice MP for Camborne Redruth is spelt with an i.


The Truro and Falmouth 38 degrees website is to be circulated to members. On Saturday  11 April  there is to be a meeting at the Hall for Cornwall at 11.00 a.m.


 Chris Ramsey reported on  the event on 21st March at Tremough (an Afrobeat party). Chris sent two  action letters and some of the Stop Torture campaign postcards. A student , Dwayne Roberts manned a stall for us and got many signatures . George Perry is no longer involved with the student group and should be removed as our contact.Chris is endeavouring to find a new contact at Tremough.


Monthly action  This is on the Human Rights Act  but there is likely to be a delay until all the parties’ manifestos are published.  Chris has had a response from Sarah Newton, Truro M.P. saying the Conservatives are committed to the European Convention on Human Rights now and after election. It was not clear what  her views on what might be in a new British Human Rights Act.


Central America  nothing to report. Nothing new on Norma Cruz.


Egypt  It may be Amnesty is waiting for  the situation to be clarified. Neither Wailim nor Linnea had heard anything.


Future Activities    There is to be a vigil, outside the Cathedral on the Stop Torture Campaign on 6th June between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. A semi-circle strategy was discussed.  There could be a drum beat, a walk round and then silence. Participants would be asked to wear black. This is on the same day as the street collection. (NB we will probably be moving this vigil to 4 July)


Annual General Meetingof AI - discussion on motions which will be debated:  A8 is somewhat contentious involving changing the constitution. At issue was whether members should be able to vote on a range of  specific proposals, which should be brought to the AGM in 2016 or just for a whole new constitution on a take it or leave it basis. There may be important issues raised such as questions on the composition of the board and how many members were needed  to call an Emergency General Meeting.


B3   This  is a resolution seeking to re-open the debate as to whether Amnesty should take a pro choice stance on Abortion. After discussion Hetty Tye proposed and Shirl Sweeney seconded that B3 be not supported at this stage, but that Amnesty adheres to the current policy of the middle way with abortion not to be criminalised.


On C3  Anti-Semitism in the UK. Chris Ramsey who is attending the AGM will keep a watching brief.


Board Membership Chris recommended voting for Malcolm Dingwell Smith and Stuart Hathaway for the two spaces. His recommendation was accepted by the group.


Israel/Palestine The situation is deeply depressing. Palestine is applying to join the United Nations but this is likely to be vetoed by the United States.


Treasurer’s Report   The treasurer reported that the group had £1,183.85 in the bank and that the group paid the affiliation fee every year to AIUK as well as donations of £500.00.


Dates to remember:


1.Next meeting May 13th at St Piran’s Church Hall.


2. June 6th Street Collection in Truro  and Vigil  against torture. (NB this vigil will probably be moved to 4 July)


3. July 4th Mayor’s Coffee Morning in Truro

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