Minutes. June 2014 Meeting
MINUTES. 11 June 2014
Present: Rosy Bott; Linnea Glynne-Rule; Hetty Tye; Karen Cooper; Shirl Sweeney; Robin Sellwood; Amelia Scanlan; Tim Clarey; Belinda
Apologies: Wailim Wong; Margaret George, Georgie Wong; Chris Ramsey; Lucky Kaur
- Ukraine event at Tremough Campus. 31 May
- Event included live Skype interview, poetry etc
- Good feedback on event from Lucky
- Amnesty’s Future Work Consultation – this was discussed last meeting and a number of issues were raised. The group re-iterated a strong interest in women’s issues
- On 22 April Edilson Silva dos Santos was shot and died during a protest. This protest was a spontaneous reaction to the death of Douglas Rafael Pereira da Silva who was found dead earlier that day.
- Group signed a letter to the governor of Rio de Janeiro asking for thorough and prompt investigation into these deaths and allegations that police were responsible
- We had a brief discussion on the World Cup and issues around expenditure on event and revenue that will be generated.
- We were invited to a roundtable discussion with Sarah Newton, MP for Truro and Karen Bradley, MP, Minister for modern slavery and organised crime. Bradley discussed the Modern Slavery Bill, recently published by the Home Office, intended to increase law enforcement tools to target modern slavery. Attending were Rene Chorley (Women’s Refuge in Truro), a Cornwall Border Control officer, Lucky and Hetty.
- Karen pointed out these issues occur internally within UK as well as at the borders. Rene Chorley reported that a refuge for men will open in Truro this next year .
- A member mentioned The Guardian's recent report on an investigation into slave labour in the prawn industry in Thailand
- We had a brief discussion on Angelina Jolie’s role in highlighting sexual violence in war zones
- Georgie has recently received an email from Kate Allen requesting money to support Norma Cruz’s work in running an organisation working to stop violence against women in Guatemala.
- Decided that this request is aimed at individual members, not the group, and this type of request needs to be discussed at the next meeting.
Stop Torture Campaign
- 26 June is United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Hetty has contacted local churches, Cathedral etc but no events seem to happening locally.
- 27 June, Stop Torture music event , 8.00pm – 12.00pm, Kazbah, Truro, organised by Amelia:
- Entrance is £3.00
- 4 acts are confirmed. Amelia waiting to hear from further acts
- Flyer and poster needs to be produced: Karen
- Advertising – West Briton, social media, Radio Cornwall etc: Karen, Wailim, Amelia
- Short brief on night: Amelia
- Help on the night: information table (need to gather advertising materials, banner etc); selling tickets etc: Shirl, Karen, Amelia, Tim
- Photography: Tim
- Need to investigate AI merchandise Hetty to ask Georgie
- AI hand stamp Hetty
- Float and money from event Amelia
- Need to invite Penzance AI
- Further details and tasks will be emailed to us
Mazey Day. 28 June, Penzance
- Penzance AI have asked for help with their Stop Torture action at Mazey Day on 28 June in Penzance. Shirl expressed interest in going.
Mayor’s Coffee Morning. 5 July. City Hall,Truro
- We need to provide: milk, tea towels, things to sell eg cakes, plants etc. Coffee, tea and biscuits are provided by the mayor
- Tea towels: Shirl
- Plants: Hetty and Rosy
- Cakes: Hetty, Shirl and others
- Cases and advertising materials: Karen and Margaret
- Advertising – notify Radio Cornwall & Pirate FM; Amelia
- Rota:
- We discussed need to source advertising materials such as bunting; flags; free standing banners
- AI has balloons: Hetty to phone
- Investigate price of free standing banner/flags Karen
Bookstall, Lemon Street Market.
- Need to start collecting books. These can be dropped off in Robin’s garage
- 23rd August was determined to be the best date
Mayor’s Charity Show. 6 December
- We have agreed to participate in this event
Film and Talk. Central America. Autumn Event
- To be discussed at next meeting
Ice and Fire Event. Tremough Campus
- Chris is involved with this event
- We have £902.66 in the account
- Rent on the church meeting room + a donation of £200 to AI UK has already been paid
- Our group affiliation fee will be due in October
- £300 for Christmas cards + money for Georgia’s Booth’s (Central America event) travel is ring-fenced