Minutes. May 2014 Meeting
Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 14 May 2014
Chris Ramsey, Margaret George, Robin Sellwood, Wailim Wong , Lucky Kaur, Linnea Glynne-Rule, Hetty Tye, Georgie Wong , Karen Cooper, Rosy Bott, Shirley Sweeney, Anne Quick, Roseanna Freiburghaus.
Apologies :
Amelia Scanlan
Matters arising from the minutes of 9 April 2014:
3d Chris had attended the Belarus Theatre production and reported that it was very powerful
6 ii Wailim reported that Mark Williams will be willing to do a contribution re Western Sahara if we can find a suitable time and event.
9c. Chris had attended a successful session at Cornwall College on Human Rights and Equalities.
4. Secretary's report:
The May monthly action concerned Mahdi Abu Dheeb, a prisoner of conscience in Bahrain. We have a collection of postcards to be signed on his behalf, and eventually to be presented to the Bahraini ambassador. We can use these up to the autumn.
A letter had arrived from Giles Chichester MEP letting us know that the EU Directive on non-financial reporting by companies was passed on 15 April and now has to go to the European Parliament and the EU Member States in the Council.
Margaret had written a letter for the group's approval on the organisation and outcomes of the Annual Conference of AIUK. A copy of the amended letter is pasted at the end of these Minutes.
5. Consultation of Local Groups on shaping Amnesty's future 2016-19:
Chris introduced the topic, which asked us to discuss what we considered may be the trends in 2016-19, what AI should focus on or do less. There was a very short time-scale to send in responses ( to HQ by 23 May).
Robin volunteered to write up bullet points on the display board. The following were the questions and our answers:
1) What does your Local Group think are the 'big picture trends' that are shaping the world? What evidence is there to support your answers?
* Climate Change
* Food scarcity and uneven distribution
* Water scarcity and flooding
* Rising inequality of wealth
* Decreasing confidence in United Nations and democratic process
* Rise of corporate power
* Digital information impact
2) A) What does your local group think Amnesty International as an international movement should focus on between 2016-2019?
* Continue/ increase focus on individuals within campaigns
* Children's rights
* Women's rights
* Focus on responsibility of specific corporate companies
B) What does your local group think Amnesty International as an international movement should focus on less between 2016 and 2019? Where will AI add most value?
What evidence is there to support your answers?
* AI should not take on campaigns that are best done by other organizations.
3) Is there anything else that you want to add that has not been mentioned in this consultation?
*AI must continue to work on behalf of prisoners of conscience and other individuals.
*AI needs to be agile in responding to events as they occur.
6. Individuals at Risk Cases:
Georgie reported on Central America. Guatemala has seen a rise in the number of women killed but the state has taken no action on this or on threats to women. Norma Cruz has said that our support makes her safer. Georgie had brought letters to sign on behalf of Norma Cruz. The attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz has been forced to resign. Georgie had also brought a letter to sign for the Director of Casa Alianza.
Wailim had brought letters to sign concerning the situation in Egypt where another 683 death sentences have been passed, a 4th al-Jazeera journalist has been arrested, beaten and tortured and his whereabouts are now unknown. 3 women have been arrested at a university protest.
Chris reported on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The conscientious objector Omar Sa'ad has been imprisoned for the 7th time.
Linnea had brought a letter to sign re our Turkmenistan case. She reported that the Post Office leaflet giving current postal prices is wrong and we should check we are not being overcharged when paying for stamps.
7. Stop Torture campaign:
This was due to be launched on 13 May. Wailim would send for materials that could be used at our stall on Sat 24th. Amelia is planning a gig in Truro.
8. Future events :
24 May street collection and stall. We will have materials available on Stop Torture, and will put up the gazebo from 9.30 ready to start at 10. Chris has contacted students at Tremough to ask for support.
5 July, the Mayor's Coffee morning at City Hall. For this we will need plants, cakes and books to sell.
August - Margaret has spoken to Giles Horne re booking a bookstall in Lemon Street Market. He is checking the diary and will get back to us.
Chris reported that there would be a themed event at Tremough Performance Centre on 31 May, on Ukraine, at which we can have an input. He will circulate the information.
Refugee Week is 16-22 June. We can discuss this at the next meeting. Hetty will order the Activity Pack.
9. Counselling for Activists:
Karen had details of this group. Lucky agreed to look into it.
10. Treasurer's report:
Linnea reported that we have £961.39. It was agreed to send £200 to HQ.
11. Next meeting: this will be on Wed 11 June.