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Minutes. November 2013 Meeting

Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group

Minutes of Meeting held on 13 November 2013


1.                       Present:

                Margaret George, Georgie Wong, Hetty Tye Karen Cooper,  Linnea Glynne-Rule,    Robin          Sellwood, Rosy Bott, Mary Dickinson, Naomi Pascoe, Amelia Scanlan, Paul Lewis, Mark Jobson.


2.                       Apologies :  Wailim Wong, Chris Ramsey.


3.                       Matters arising from the minutes of 9 Oct 2013:

 The stall in the cathedral for One World Week was very successful. All the doves were hung on the tree, many of them signed. Karen had uploaded photos onto our Facebook page.

4.    Secretary's report:

    i.            The Nov monthly action concerned campaign action on company reporting and transparency. Letters were signed to the 6 SW Region MEPs.

   ii.            The Groups News had arrived.

 iii.            A letter had been received from Sarah Newton MP regarding the Commonwealth Heads meeting in Sri Lanka and the lack of human rights in that country. It was agreed to write to Sarah to get an update on information from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

 iv.            There were actions to do on behalf of Yorm Bopha in Burma and Nadya, one of the Pussy Riot women who has 'disappeared' in the Russian prison system. This action is online on the AI website.

  v.            Margaret had received an email asking if the group still wants to do action on European countries ( the former soviet bloc mainly). It was agreed that she would forward the email to Hetty and Linnea who had responsibility for our cases in Turkmenistan.

 vi.            Margaret explained that she would be away from the next 2 (or 3) meetings and asked if someone would do her role as secretary. Karen agreed to do it for Dec and at the next meeting it would be agreed who would do the Jan one.

5.     Individuals at Risk Casework: 

    i.            Linnea had brought letters to sign re the remaining Turkmenistan case of the prisoner who died whose case still needs investigation.

   ii.            Wailim was absent so there was no action on Egypt.

 iii.            Georgie had brought a birthday card to sign for Norma Cruz in Guatemala. The Central American Newsletter included details of a film on DVD which can be shown re disappearances in Guatemala. This was discussed later under 'Future Events'. Georgie also said that she would be sending off the doves of peace to COFADEH at the end of the month. This gave time to have some on the stall on Sat 16th, so it was agreed to have the doves there and the branch for people to hang them on. Georgie had also brought letters to sign on behalf of Miriam Lopez and one to Mexico on behalf of human rights activists whose children were given death threats. Also a letter to the president-elect of Honduras.

7. Future events:

         i.            Xmas stalls: we have stalls booked on 16 Nov, 7 Dec (Mayor's charity on the piazza) and 14 Dec. Georgie had enough people for 16 Nov, but help is still needed on 7th and 14th Dec.

       ii.            Events planned at Tremough Campus: Thurs 21 Nov, the Belarus Free Theatre. Several members would be free to help with this. 27 Feb Emely Neu will be speaking on Pussy Riot.

      iii.            It was agreed to try to show the film on disappearances 'Echo the pain of many' together with a talk by Georgia Booth, the Central America AI rep, in the spring. Georgie would contact the speaker. It was thought it might make a good subject for a public meeting, maybe in the City Hall.

8.    Treasurer's report:

Linnea reported that we have £511.11 in the bank. This is after paying our subscription to HQ and also paying for the Xmas cards. Once these are sold, our balance will go up again. Subscriptions to the local group go up to £7.50 in January.


9.   Next Meeting:

       This will be on 11 December.

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