Minutes. September meeting
Truro and Falmouth Amnesty International Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 14th Sept 2016
- Present: Rosy Bott, Wailim Wong, Chris Clarke, Margaret George, Hetty Tye, Chris Ramsey, Karen Cooper. Megan Bridgeland will no longer be attending as she is now studying at Manchester university. We wish her good luck.
- Apologies: Georgie Wong, Shirley Sweeney, Linnea Glynne-Rule.
- Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2016: Karen asked about the reference to a newsletter. She will draft something out for the next meeting. Members who have photos of events were have taken part in are asked to forward them to Karen. Hetty will look into putting more cases into the cathedral for people to take action on (Georgie has already started this).
The Mayor’s Coffee morning raised £45.41 in sales and £38.45 in donations, a total of £83.86. At the Pride event we were given £28.71 in donations. We had two petitions for people to sign, one calling for justice after a homophobic attack in Greece and the other concerning the banning of a pride event in Turkey. The bookstall in Lemon Street Market on 10 Sept raised £118.27. All the unsold books were donated to Oxfam. We have recently invested in a new gazebo and weights at a total cost of £85.
- Secretary’s report: the September groups’ email contained a) an action on behalf of Matsumoto Kenji, a Japanese prisoner who has been on death row since 1993, despite having an intellectual disability and being in poor mental and physical health. There were letters to sign calling on the Japanese authorities to commute his sentence, to ensure that he receives medical treatment and for a moratorium on executions in Japan. b) the new campaign ‘I welcome’ which is about welcoming refugees. This is starting with a march in London on 17th Sept. We can send for campaign materials – stickers, placards etc. There will be a skillshare training on this campaign in London on 22 Oct and York on 26 Nov. Likewise, there are materials for the ‘Stand together against hate’ campaign. c) Write for Rights materials will be available for the launch on 1 November d) the annual AGM will be held in Nottingham on 8th and 9th April 2017 e) there is a vacancy for Country Coordinator for Japan
An email had been received from Keith Gale a lecturer at Truro College asking for a speaker on Human and Legal Rights on 8th Nov. Chris agreed to do this and to contact Keith.
- Campaigns
North Africa – Hetty had brought a letter to sign on behalf of Aser Mohamed, a 14-year-old boy who disappeared and was tortured in Egypt. Islam Khalil has been released. There is concern over the freezing of assets of Human Rights activists, who are also prevented from travelling.
Central America – Georgie had sent 3 letters to sign concerning the disappearance of the 43 students in Mexico.
Former Soviet Union – the Belarus Fee theatre are performing their work ‘Burning Doors’ at Tremough Performance Centre on 1st Oct. Bookings have to be made via the website belarusfreetheatre.com or the university website. Chris agreed to see whether we could have a stall at the event.
- Future events:
- 21 September - World Peace Day. An event is being organised in Truro, called ‘One day one choir’. We will be having a stall. The event is 1.00 – 3.00 outside the cathedral (inside if wet) and 6-9 at Truro Methodist church. Wailim and Rosy agreed to be at the stall from 1pm (Wailim to bring the materials and feather flag) and Margaret and Karen will be at the Methodist church from 6pm.
- 24 Sept - street collection in Falmouth. 10.00 to 1.00. Wailim will take the materials. Georgie, Linnea, Hetty, Chris and Shirley will also be available. The table will be set up on The Moor, near the Art Gallery. Chris will try to contact students in Falmouth to see if any can help.
- 30 October – social walk starting from Par station. After the success of the last one it was agreed to have another walk, again organised by Karen. Time to be confirmed t the next meeting.
- Letter-writing event – Wailim agreed to look into venues.
- AOB:
Chris mentioned that the Lyme Regis group had raised over £400 on a bric-a-brac sale. He is visiting the group soon and will ask how they went about it.
- Next meeting:
Wednesday 12 October, 7pm at Truro Methodist church.