November 2019. Minutes
Truro and District Amnesty International Group
Minutes of Meeting held on 13th Nov 2019
- Present: Margaret George, Chris Ramsey, Karen Cooper, Hetty Tye.
- Apologies: Carole Liesse, Melissa Ward, Georgie Wong, Wailim Wong.
- Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2019: the stall in the cathedral for One World week went well. Nearly 40 signatures were collected on the petition and all the badges (50) were taken. It was agreed to order more badges to be used on stalls. Hetty brought the Write for Rights materials and Karen agreed to prepare the notes on 4 cases. There are pre-printed cards available for 2 of them and these were to be ordered to have on the stall.
- Treasurer’s report: Karen reported that the latest statement showed £1075.05, but did not include £250 sent to AI, £75 for rent, and £200 for cards. This last sum should be recouped by the sale of the cards.
- Campaigns:
North Africa: Hetty reported. Hugh Sandeman is no longer responsible for the North Africa campaigns as he is now on the Board; he has been replaced by Debora Singer. In Egypt there is bad news about Asur Mohamed who has been sentenced to 10 years, along with Hemada, both of whom were arrested while children (14 and 17) and forced to confess under torture. In Morocco, Ali Arrass has a release date and we are asked not to send any more communications to him.
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories: Chris reported on the case of the photojournalist in East Jerusalem who had to apply for residence. He was detained for 9 months and has now been released but given 3 weeks to change his residence status or leave. In the case of a man suspected of attacking an Israeli girl, the authorities appear to have been given permission to torture him. Leif Abduzaev, a member of the Amnesty Jerusalem research team wanted to go to a funeral in Jordan but was refused permission to leave and banned from travel because he ‘represented a security risk’. Khalida Jiaarra, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council has been rearrested. She was previously in administrative detention for 20 months, and released after that in February.
- Events:
- Xmas stalls: 23rd Nov and 14th Dec at High Cross. We are on a reserve list for the Mayor’s charity event on 7th Dec. (subsequent to the meeting we heard that we can have stall at the Mayor’s event on 7th Dec).
- Advance notice: the Regional Conference will be in Exeter on 7th March. It is being organised and run by the Exeter group.
- AOB:it was agreed to check out with supporters whether 6.30 is the best time for most to be able to attend
- Next meeting: will be on Wed 11 December, 6.30 at Sambells Café, Truro.