Advance Notice Greetings Cards and Coffee 10 December Culcheth

Following a very successful event at Newchurch Parish Hall, opposite Sainsbury in Culcheth in December last year, the Warrington Group will be hosting a Write for Rights Greetings Card Campaign on Saturday10 December 2016.
From around 11am to 2pm we invite you to come and write a card to someone who is in prison or is being persecuted for standing up for human rights in their country. All cases are researched thoroughly by Amnesty International and by receiving cards prisoners of conscience are sometimes released or conditions in which they are held are improved. This can include access to medical treatment, cessation of violence against them or authorities allowing family visits to the prison.
We supply the cards and suggest messages you can write and we post the cards - so all you need to do is come and support people standing up for human right across the world by writing one or two cards. We also provide a free cup of tea or coffeee as a thank you.
Last year we sent well over 100 cards during out Write for Rights Campaign and we would love to do better this year. Look out for further details in our Autumn Newsletters and on this website.