Greeting Card Campaign Saturday 10 December at Newchurch Parish Hall, Culceth 11 - 1.30 ALL WELCOME

Our annual campaign to send greeting cards to prisoners of conscience is at Newchurch Parish Hall on Saturday 10th December. Everyone is invited to come and join us to sign a card to send to an individual imprisoned for standing up for human rights or a group that campaigns for human rights. All cases are researched in detail by Amnesty International so we now our cards will make a difference.
We provide all the cards with suggestions fr brief messages so you just need to have a spare few minutes to come and select who you want to send a card to and sign your message. We will also have a secondhand book stall so you can stock up for Christmas reading. Free light refreshments as a thank you for coming along.
A poster for the event is attached so please print it and put it up to advertise our event if you can.