Monthly Meeting Thursday 20th October, 7.30pm at Nora Street Community House - All Welcome

Our next monthly meeting is on Thursday 20th October at the Nora Street Community House, Nora Street, Howley, Warrington WA1 2JG. We meet at 7.30m for a couple of hours and everyone is welcome, you do not have to be a member of Amnesty to join us.
The meeting follows an agenda so we get through the work of planning events, sending letters to give support to individuals and groups who suffer human rights abuses and working on selected AIUK campaigns. We also chat, have a lot of fun and stop for a coffee break! If you are interested in upholding human rights across the world please come along and see what we do. New people have come to our previous two meetings and we would like to welcome lots more.
Please contact Evelyn on 01925 268871 if you would like to come along and see what we do.