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Amnesty International UK
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Jul 14 2022 10:09AM
Next Meeting on Thursday 21 July, 7.30pm, at Nora Street Community House, Warrington WA1 3JG

If you are interested in human rights and the work of Amnesty locally and globally, please come along to our meetings. We meet the third Thursday of every month except August and December but we also have a social programme - details...

Jul 14 2022 9:55AM
Newsletter July 2022

Our newsletter includes a report on our social event during Refugee Week and information on our next meeting and recent activities.

Jul 14 2022 9:51AM
Newsletter June 2022

Our June newsletter includes some good news as well as information about meetings, campaigns and our social programme.

May 4 2022 8:43PM
Newsletter May 2022

Dates for your diary, some good news and information on key campaigns. Just a few good reasons to read our newsletter. May is also the month of our annual plant sale and this year we also have some pre-loved books for sale. Come along...

May 4 2022 8:41PM
Newsletter April 2022

Now we are meeting monthly again the newsletter includes details of the next meeting and fundraising and outreach activities as well as news on campaigns.

Mar 7 2022 7:42PM
Newsletter March 2022

Our March newsletter has some good news including that of the release of the Guapinol Water Defenders. These environmental defenders were detained over two and a half years ago for peacefully protesting a mine that they say polluted...

Mar 4 2022 6:03PM
International Women's Day 8th March 2022

The campaign theme this year is Break The Bias as demonstrated in the IWD 2022 pose of crossed arms in front of your upper body. There are many images on the IWD website at where you are invited to post your...

Feb 27 2022 11:42AM
Next Meeting Thursday 17 March, 7.30pm at Nora Street Community House, Nora Street, Howley, Warrington WA1 2JG

All are welcome to our monthly meetings when we discuss human rights issues and plan activities and events. We are a small friendly group so plan to increase our social events this year. If you would like more information about...

Feb 15 2022 4:42PM
Next Meeting Thursday 17th February at 7.30pm at Nora Street Community House, Nora Street, Howley, Warrington WA1 2JG

All very welcome to meetings. We usually meet on the third Thursday of each month to discuss and plan actions, campaigns and fundraising. We are a small sociable group so please come along if you would like to find out more about...

Feb 15 2022 4:31PM
February 2022 Newsletter

Our latest newsletter includes details of our first meeting for some time! Also news of individuals at risk and a call to mail your MP regarding the Policing Bill that threatens some basic freedoms due to the potential extensions to...
