Give Them a Voice - Join our campaign for Iranian Prisoners
Amnesty Westminster Bayswater and Letters of Wings want to invite you to our campaign for Iranian prisoners.
We want you to pick a text by an Iranian prisoner and make a recording of yourself reading the text. This can be a video clip which shows you reading the text, it can also be a clip where people can hear your voice and see photos of the prisoners or you make just an audio clip. Please do not forget to say name & surname of the author + title, before starting the reading.
You can find more information about the campaign and suggestions for prisoners and texts in this blog post.
Please share the clips on Social Media with the hashtag #GiveThemAVoice.
We also want to show as many clips as possible in an online event on 21 December, 7 pm (Yalda Night). It is a tradition in Iran to mark the longest and darkest night (Yalda Night / Winter Solstice) with a gathering of family and friends and the reading of poetry. We want to gather with you online and listen to the reading of poetry (and other texts) of Iranian prisoners. We plan to stream it to Amnesty Westminster Bayswater Facebook page ( .
Please upload your clips (MP3 / MP4, max. 5 min, please name the file with the first and last name of the prisoner) to DropBox If you have technical problems, you can also send your files via WeTransfer ( or by email to and/or Please submit your clips by Friday 18 December (midnight) at the latest to enable us to include them at our event.
If you have any questions (also technical questions), please do not hesitate to contact us by email.