Election Hustings meeting, Matlock, 1 May 2015

Saint Joseph's church hall, Bank Road, Matlock DE4 3NG, May 1st.
Tea and coffee will be available from 7-30. The meeting will begin at 8-00.
Hustings in the sense of a platform for politicians to communicate their policies to the public go back to the 19th century and the years of the great democratic reform acts.
Modern electoral law requires that candidates from all main parties are invited and for this hustings those for the Conservative party (Patrick McLoughlin), the Green Party (Ian Wood), the Labour Party (Andy Botham) and the LibDems (Ben Fearn) have accepted. Unfortunately UKIP candidate John Young has declined.
The candidates will answer questions from members of the public on a range of issues such as austerity and welfare; climate change; foreigh policy including Europe; health including mental health; and immigration and asylum.
All members of the public are most welcome.
Please submit your question by email if possible by Wednesday 28th May on matlockhustings@gmail.com. Otherwise bring it with you on the night, or if you prefer just come and listen to the discussion.
The meeting is coordinated by Wirksworth and District Amnesty International in the interests of promoting our problematic democaracy. It will be chaired by Paul Webb, deputy chair of the group.