February 2025 Meeting
Hi all,
Well, it's that time again! We are meeting at Trinity Church as normal at 7:30pm in the Curtis Room (back end of the main corridor if you come through the side entrance).
There will be a few updates to discuss namely:
- Proposed South East Region Network meeting either 5 or 12 April - Steph
- Update from Keith re. BPM / Arianna discussion
- further discussion on April Pakistan event
- further discussion on China / HK event on 31 May
- update on financial affairs - Lynda
- update on Nataly's case - need to start drafting AGM motion - Steph to look into.
- Any letters to be signed (if anyone wishes to bring a letter with them or share it with me for onward circulation, more happy for them to do this!).
- cost of postage for W4Rs campaign - Steph
- attendance at Surrey Pride w/ other groups (think this is some time in Aug/Sept!).
There will be other items I'm sure, but for now this is my summary.
Let us know if you need the Teams link for the meeting
Take everyone, stay safe and look out for one another.
Steph, Monica, Keith
Co-Chairs Amnesty Woking Group